About Me

Hey there! I’m Christopher Peters, and I have a slightly odd obsession: making hiring private security less…intimidating.

I’m just a dad who wants his kids to grow up in a Portland that feels as magical as the one I remember. Remember when our city was just known for being weird in the fun way? (Looking at you, Darth Vader unicycle bagpipe guy.) These days, many of us are feeling a different kind of weird—the kind that keeps you up at night wondering if your family and home are truly safe.

I know that feeling. It’s what drove me to launch The Squatch, my first venture into making neighborhood security more accessible. While that project taught me some valuable lessons (like how hard it is to get people excited about Bigfoot-themed security patrols), it also showed me what the community really needs more than new technology: an easy way to connect with the security professionals who are already out there, who get it, and know what to do to get the job done.

That’s why I created this directory of Private Security companies. Think of it as your friendly neighborhood guide to finding security solutions that don’t require a corporate expense account or a secret handshake to access. I’m bringing that classic dad energy to the whole thing—you know, the kind that combines “let’s fix this” with “hey, maybe we can have some fun while we’re at it.” Whether you’re:

  • A homeowner who just wants to sleep better at night
  • A business owner protecting your slice of your hometown
  • Someone trying to organize your neighborhood watch (and maybe spot Bigfoot while you’re at it)

…this platform is built for you.

What Makes This Different?

No overwhelming technical jargon. No fear-mongering. No pushy sales tactics. Just straightforward connections to security providers who understand our community because they’re part of it.

I’m building this directory with a vision: making private security as easy to figure out as finding a good food cart. (Okay, maybe not quite that easy—Portland’s food cart game is pretty unbeatable.)

The Future We’re Building

While this directory is just the beginning, I’m excited about where we’re headed. I’m working on tools to help you understand your security needs, educational content that doesn’t put you to sleep, and innovative ideas like neighborhood-funded patrols that actually work.

Together, we can make Portland, and your city, feel secure without losing its soul. Because at the end of the day, we’re not just building a security directory—we’re building a community where everyone can feel safe enough to stay weird.

Ready to take control of your security journey? Let’s get started. And hey, if you happen to spot Sasquatch during your neighborhood patrol, you know who to call.